Saturday, March 16, 2013

I Might Return

I can't stop thinking about computer games, and I can't stop wanting to talk about them.

I don't like reviewing most games because I don't care about most games. But isn't that natural? Can anyone find a games journalist who cares about most games?

Now I'm starting to think that I abandoned games journalism because, and really only because, I was afraid that I'd never get a job in it.

That's not a small thing. The pragmatic person in me says I should take time to make sure I can do something else, something I enjoy, even if I don't care about it nearly as much as I do computer gaming. At least I'll have an enjoyable job, and I'll be able to pay my bills.

But I do have TO CARE about the bill-payer, otherwise I'm just waiting to die, experiencing, now and then, some of the cool works of games-makers.

I will pursue these other things for now. If time permits, or if I simply fail at this other thing, I might return to games journalism.

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