Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Torchlight is not fun

I can't stand it anymore, which means that I won't finish it, which means I won't review it. I sent this email to my friend about it:

"It feels like a grindfest; the story is terrible; and even though it's a game to play once, it's not worth playing once (I say a 24-32 hour game on hard difficulty; I don't want to grind for that long).

The voice acting sounds like it was meant for children (lame children).

And the fact that it doesn't have multiplayer doesn't help it; no one to share the pain with.

Good things about the game: good graphics, levels are easy to navigate without constantly staring at your map (improvement on Diablo II); good music; decent sound effects; cool magic and passively-used skills; cool pet."

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