Monday, March 18, 2013

Not Going to be a Games Critic

I just realized that I can't become a games journalist because my opinions on games are too unorthodox and I don't have anything sexy to offer the gaming readership. So it makes no sense, in every sense, to become a games critic.

This also means I cannot become a professional games journalist, as reviewing takes up a good third (or more) of their work.

So goodbye again.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Extra Note to "I Might Return"

There might be better work out there for me that I'm just unaware of. This sounds terrible, of course. I'm 25 and should know about all the things I can do and what of those I'd care about. But I admit that I might not.

And so I'll pursue this other thing for now, and in my spare time (of which there'll be little) I will do curious things.

If I fail at what I'm doing, or if I can't find anything else, I might return.

I'm trying to become an occupational therapist. I will look into playing piano, singing, acting, maybe even dancing, and definitely humor writing.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

I Might Return

I can't stop thinking about computer games, and I can't stop wanting to talk about them.

I don't like reviewing most games because I don't care about most games. But isn't that natural? Can anyone find a games journalist who cares about most games?

Now I'm starting to think that I abandoned games journalism because, and really only because, I was afraid that I'd never get a job in it.

That's not a small thing. The pragmatic person in me says I should take time to make sure I can do something else, something I enjoy, even if I don't care about it nearly as much as I do computer gaming. At least I'll have an enjoyable job, and I'll be able to pay my bills.

But I do have TO CARE about the bill-payer, otherwise I'm just waiting to die, experiencing, now and then, some of the cool works of games-makers.

I will pursue these other things for now. If time permits, or if I simply fail at this other thing, I might return to games journalism.