Saturday, May 23, 2009

Left 4 Dead XBOX 360 Vs. L4D PC Conclusions

Assuming that all the 3rd-party L4D mods will blow, there is only one reason why the XBOX 360 version of Left 4 Dead is worse than the PC one:

On XBOX Live, you have to play with the gamers of XBOX Live. 

It is so, soooooooooo difficult to get a non-retarded team on XBOX Live. It's easier to beat a tank special-infected single-handedly than it is to get your teammates not to shoot you or run in front of your deadly weapon of conspicuous shooting. 

"What's 'crouch?'"
"It's like tea-bagging."

It's not rare for an XBOX Live L4D gamer to run way ahead of his or her teammates and get pissed off at his or her teammates for not saving his or her stupid-retard ass.

(Here's my favorite story) On one particularly bad occasion, a guy threw his molotov at us! instead of at, say, the tank charging us. In explanation of his error after we died, he told us to "blame it on the ah, ah-ah-ah, ah-alcohol; blame it on the ah, ah-ah-ah, ah-alcohol." 

Actual Conclusion:

Before playing the XBOX 360 version, I expected the XBOX 360 controls and the lack of free Valve downloadable content to be the losing touches making PC the king. It turned out that the DLC became free an that the XBOX 360 weapons merely killed enemies at lower rates, which didn't preclude surviving expert difficulty campaigns and getting gold in Survivor (I haven't done either, but I am not going to play much more since I'm more concerned with studying games I haven't played, with my game journalism aspiration).

In the end, what makes the XBOX 360 version worse is the subhumans you're forced to play with. Left 4 Dead XBOX 360 has made me more misanthropic.

(My complaints about the XBOX 360 hunting rifle disappeared once I learned it was not just a sniper rifle; it is now my favorite weapon.)

1 comment:

Colin W. said...

So what you need to do is return your 360 copy of Left 4 Dead, and then get the PC version. If it's too much for you right now, then wait until Steam puts it on sale again. Then you can enjoy the wonders that are the PC version of Left 4 Dead.

...Like Yggdrasil spamming "PILLS HERE" or "TAAAAAAAANK" in voice chat...