Sunday, January 22, 2012

I was Wrong! Super Meat Boy is Good!

Oh, how good it feels to admit I was wrong! That my former mind was weaker! That I am now smarter than my dumberer self!

Back when I was young and stupid (2010) I wrote that Super Meat Boy was a "monotonous" "penis-crusher" of a game. Well, this year (2012) I've been playing bits of that superb indie platformer, and I have found a play-style that prevents it from feeling monotonous.

And about the "penis-crusher" thing, I'm not sure what I meant with that. The game, now, doesn't seem to crush penis. Maybe the description had something to do with the game being hard, and that somehow that crushes penises.....

But anyways, the monotony thing: the way to prevent monotony from setting in while playing with Super Meat Boy is: to not play with it so often. And that is it! Simple. And it is easy to do since Super Meat Boy isn't an evil addictive game in anyway. At least, as long as you play it on Steam it's not addictive. I imagine that, with XBOX Live achievements being worth "points," Super Meat Boy's super-hard-to-get achievements could be tantalizing, somehow. But at the same time, no; Super Meat Boy isn't addictive. It's just good and hard. For not realizing this a year ago I will now write something beautiful:

Oh Team Meat!
Your game is neat!
During twenty-eleven I thought of playing Super Meat Boy,
in Costa Rica, where I couldn't play Super Meat Boy.
This is bad poetry.
To what depths go my low-etry?
"Low-etry" isn't even a word.
Washing machine.

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