Friday, February 3, 2012

Why I'm not Excited about Diablo III

Because it will be evil.

Okay okay, I'll be more specific:

Diablo III will be very very very evil.

I won't lie: I'm excited about the game's bosses -- what they'll look like, what they like, etc. -- but, I know that the game will have a way of addicting people (HA! HA!), specifically: addicting people to a never-ending search for "better" loot. Oh yes, I know: that even after many people have beaten the game on all its difficulty settings, even after seeing all the level types and monster types and bad writing, said players will keep playing the game -- maybe for centuries (yes, they'll be undead in their computers; or they'll remain addicted in the afterlife) -- and they will do so, they will play it, in marathon sessions! Burning the little spare time they have on experiences already experienced, until they die, alone and unwashed and skeleton-like.

So yeah, Diablo III will be evil.

And yes, I still won't lie. I am a little (or completely) biased against a game whose gameplay is composed mainly of beating foes not by skill or cunning, but rather by stats-boosting items accumulated over a billion+ hours of play.... How sad.

Not that I'm saying I MYSELF won't get Diablo III. I mean, I probably won't. But maybe Blizzard will prove me wrong; although I don't think they will; but maybe they will.....heee.

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