Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spoiler Alert! My Little Mass Effect 3 Ending Issue

Again, please don't read this if you haven't finished Mass Effect 3. This is a spoiler!

Why is Garrus, who was just fighting alongside me in the streets of London, on the Normandy 2 when it crash lands on the random jungle planet? Wasn't he supposed to be fighting alongside his fellow Turians on Earth?

Oh, one more complaint. The science behind one of the three optional endings, the synthesis of organics and robots one, needs explanation. Sending a wave of information all over the galaxy that deactivates all synthetics? I can believe that. Instantaneously installing robot in everyone? That's God. Explain it? Gimme science. Make it sound believable.

And why is it that there's no logic explaining the relationship between your Effective Military Strength and the final cinematics, which show how the battle on Earth ends? The result of the battle on Earth is determined by the energy wave from the Crucible, which, if you didn't muster enough military force, can end up killing everyone on Earth. What? (Mass Effect 2 did its endings right, by the way).

And why do the Bioware writers think I'm willing to believe a magic ghost child's argument that the species of the universe will create synthetics that will destroy them, despite my playthrough of the game convincingly showing that the Geth and EDI won't attack us unless we attack them? I understand why the Reapers are killing us, but their killingness has more to do with them having super advanced technology.

And what's with the magic ghost child being the catalyst?! Why does that character even exist?!

And why is the Normandy flying away from the Crucible energy thing? And why does it damage the Normandy II, while doing no damage to the troops on Earth (assuming you got a "good" ending)? It also doesn't seem to damage the other ships in space (minus the Mass Relays).

I can't believe this ending is so....not well thought out.

ALSO! Why is there a teleportation (potentially Reaper-destroying) beam that goes down to Earth from the Citadel? Seriously, why have the beam? The Reapers seemed to do their job really well without it. (This could probably be explained with a really gamey excuse, like: the Reapers put it there to give the organics a fighting chance, as a taunt. They panicked when Alliance troops miraculously broke through their lines in London).

As for the Internet, here's a pretty good synopsis on what they think:

As for professional critics, here's the first of a RockPaperShotgun talk:

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