Saturday, February 25, 2012

My NEW Reviews Policy

I decided not to rewrite my other reviews policy post because, shortly after publishing it, I read it and realized that even I didn't understand it. So here is my NEW reviews policy, different in that it is simpler and ends in anti-troll explications.

My Game Reviews Policy:

means that it's "Terrible."

means that it's "Really Bad."

means that it's "Bad."

means that it's "Good."

means that it's "Really Good."

★ means that it's "Outstanding."

For those of you in too much of a hurry to read my beautiful reviews, just note, as you scroll down to the bottoms looking for the scores, that any game that gets ★ or less I advise you don't get. Also you should read the review anyway because I'm amazing.

Also! Instead of doing half-stars, I'm going to use the odd-number out-of-ten score, like 7/10. Is this an ugly-looking solution? Yes! Do I want to learn any CSS just to make half-stars? No!

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