Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Self-Encouragement: The Hardest Thing About Writing

The hardest thing about writing is that feeling I believe I'll have until I'm finally employed as a writer: that my work affects no one in any good way until then.

For this reason I must not waste time. I must practice writing as much as possible.

And I must get a writing job (dur), ideally one about games, since I'm obsessed with those.

If I can't be a writer for a living, then I don't see the point of living in today's world, outside of volunteering. To just help decent people do what they care about, that's the only other thing. I see no point in stuff like raising my own family, for example, since I don't think there's anything about me worth attempting to reproduce, and also since our world is overpopulated in general, with nothing to indicate that we're on track to expand out from our planet anytime soon; plus, humanity currently appears to be aimed toward its own self-destruction, with the proliferation of nuclear weapons and unanswered, rising green house gas emissions.

Plus I fear death, or rather, I fear not really trying to do what matters to me before I die. And what really matters to me is creating good company, gaming, and the beautiful, truthful use of words.

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