Saturday, May 19, 2012

Diablo III Act 3 (Normal Difficulty)

Okay now it's excellent. Without spoiling anything that you probably already know, the levels (though grayish) put on a show, and the monsters are even harder. I have to make many split-second decisions during battles, and many of the decisions involve multiple actions. I've also been swapping skills a lot, trying to see what works best on different levels.

Now I love the game.

However I noticed something frightening. I noticed that Act III's final boss battle was easier than most of the elite monster battles, and it gave a lot of rare loot. It makes me think this is the new Mephisto run. It makes me think Blizzard wants its players to be addicted (other evidence includes the achievements, plus the constant sense of reward).

Even the twist at the end of Act III was decent (I knew something was up, but I had no idea THAT was going to happen).

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