Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Reviewing Epics Blows

The challenge posed to me by games like Xenoblade Chronicles is that they prevent me from writing. Not because they're addictive (Xenoblade Chronicles is not really addictive, which is one of the great things about it). No. The writer preventor is the game's length. XENOBLADE CHRONICLES IS SOOOOO LOOOOOOONG! I just wanna review the damn, wonderful thing.

But I can't. So onwards with the playing....

But for the sake of writing a page-length thing, I should repeat that 100 billion hour games scream a problem. I'm a writer (OH NO!). Thus I must write every day or I will be a bad writer and will suffer the bad writer's fate: to be eaten by bears. And I seriously do not want to be eaten by bears, nor by any other large mammal. So I must find a way to write SOMETHING, that isn't a mere journal entry....Or maybe I should do a journal entry, just not a pointless one.

But how does one write a non-pointless journal entry?

Well, I've been spying on other games journalists. Or rather I've been reading articles from their websites. And the way they journal is about a game experience, a personal narrative. I think that's a wonderful idea! And I just realized that I think it's a wonderful idea! And I'm going to do one right now!

Except I'm not, because I can't think of a way to do a personal essay about Xenoblade Chronicles without spoiling it or spoiling the review.

Yet, I must write every day.

What about my humor blog?

Well, it takes time to come upon an inspired, humorous idea. And time is something I don't have because I'M PLAYING XENOBLADE CHRONICLES!

I think I have three days left (of Xenoblade). I can go a day or two without writing...although I really don't want to.

I'm just kidding of course. I will write something.

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